车凯军,博士、副教授, 1985年9月生,2005年6月毕业于华中科技大学电子科学与技术系,获工学学士学位,后进入中国科学院半导体研究所集成光电子国家重点实验室接受硕博连读培养,于2010年毕业获工学博士学位,并荣获2008年光学重要成果奖和2010年中国科学院院长优秀奖。随后进入厦门大学信息科学与技术学院从事教学与科研工作,因院系调整,现今在厦门大学电子学院工作。主要从事半导体微腔激光器的理论与实验研究,高Q值玻璃介质微腔激光器光学非线性等研究,在国际上首次实现了正方形微腔激光器的室温连续电注入激射,提出了光学微腔激光器的多波导输出概念,相关的研究作为 Research Review得到了 “Compound Semiconductor” 的专题报道,发表多篇有影响力的科研论文和授权多项发明专利。先后在国际主流光学杂志和协会(OSA,IEEE,AIP,IET等)发表多篇科研论文,其中SCI收录论文45篇,被引频次近500次,获授权发明专利4项。
2017.02-2018.02:英国Sheffield University 电子工程系, Academic visitor
车凯军等,微纳型半导体边发射FP激光器及其制作方法, ZL201010101999.0;
Optical frequency comb generation via cascaded intensity and phase photonic crystal modulators
H. Francis, X.D. Zhang, S. Chen, K.J. Che, M. Hopkinson, C.Y. Jin
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 27, 2021.
Control of Q factor in laterally-coupled vertical cavities
S. Chen, H. Francis, H.C. Hua, K.J. Che, Y.R. Wang, M. Hopkinson, S.Y. Zhang, C.Y. Jin
IET Optoelectron, Vol. 14, pp. 100-103, 2020.
Generating optical frequency combs via nanoscale photonic structures.
H. Francis, S. Chen, K.J. Che, X.D. Zhang, M. Hopkinson, C.Y. Jin
Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXVIII (Vol. 11274, p. 1127412). International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.
Generating optical frequency combs via nano-scale all-optical modulators
H. Francis, S. Chen, K.J. Che, M. Hopkinson, C.Y. Jin
Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXVIII, 1127412, 2020.
Photonic Crystal Cavity-Based Intensity Modulation for Integrated Optical Frequency Comb Generation
H. Francis, S. Chen, K.J. Che, M. Hopkinson, C.Y. Jin
Crystals, pp. 1–10, 2019.
Microfluidic generation of cholesteric liquid crystal droplets with an integrative cavity for dualgain and controllable lasing
K.J. Che, Y. J. Yang, Y. L. Lin, Y. W. Shan, Y. H. Ge, S. S. Li, L. J. Chen, C. Y. J.Yang
Lab on a Chip, 19, 3116-3122, 2019.
Tuning on Optical Resonances of Microcavities Based on Thermal Dissipation Control
J. Wang, R. Zhou, D. H. Lai, K.J. Che, L. J. Chen, S. S. Jiang, H. Y. Xu, Z. P. Cai
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 31(14), pp.1175-1178, 2019.
Visible Raman and Brillouin lasers from a microresonator/ZBLAN-fiber hybrid system
S. S. Jiang, C. L. Guo, K.J. Che, Z. Q. Luo. T. J. Du, H. Y. Fu, H. Y. Xu, Z. P. Cai
Photonics Research, 7(5), 566-572, 2019.
Thermal Characteristics Of Brillouin Microsphere Lasers
K.J. Che, D.Y. Tang, C.Y. Ren, H.Y. Xu, L.J. Chen, C.Y. Jin, Z.P. Cai
IEEE, Journal of Quantum Electronics, 54(3), 1000108, 2018.
Generation of optical frequency combs using a photonic crystal cavity
H. Francis, S. Chen, C. H. Ho, K.J. Che, Y.R. Wang, M. Hopkinson, C.Y. Jin
IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 13, pp. 23-26, 2018.
Modulating photonic crystal structures to generate optical frequency combs
H. Francis, S. Chen, K.J. Che, Y.R. Wang, C.H. Ho, M. Hopkinson, C.Y. Jin
IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, pp. 55-59, 2018.
Quality factor control in laterally-coupled vertical cavities
S. Chen, H. Francis, Ho Chi-Hua, K.J. Che, Y.R. Wang, M. Hopkinson, S.Y. Zhang, C.Y. Jin
IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, pp. 60-64, 2018.
External cavity lasing pumped stimulated Brillouin scattering in a high Q microcavity
K.J. Che, etc.
Opt. Lett. 42, 935, 2017.
Ultra-high Q sphere-like cavities for cascaded stimulated Brillouin lasing
K.J. Che, etc.
Opt. Commun. 387, 421, 2017.
Generation of optical frequency combs in a fiberring/microresonator laser system
C. L.Guo, K.J. Che, etc.
Opt. Lett., 41, 2576, 2016.