
Combination of electron energy-loss spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to determine indium concentration in InGaN thin film structures

X.Y. Wang, M-P Chauvat, P. Ruternana, T. Walther
Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 30, issue. 11, 114011, 2015.

Polarization dependent mode dynamics of metallic hybrid laser micro- resonator

K.J. Che, etc.
Opt. Commun., vol. 338, pp.128-1332, 2015.

Low-threshold stimulated Brillouin scattering in high-Q whispering gallery mode tellurite microspheres

C. L.Guo, K.J. Che, etc.
Opt. Express, vol. 23, pp. 32261-32266, 2015.

Metallically coated dielectric rectangle resonator

S. Liu, K.J. Che, etc.
Appl. Opt., vol.54, pp.7027-7031, 2015.

Ultralow-threshold cascaded Brillouin microlaser for tunable microwave generation

C.L. Guo, K.J. Che, Z.P. Cai, S. Liu, G.Q. Gu, C.X. Chu, P. Zhang, H.Y. Fu, Z.Q. Luo, H.Y. Xu
Optics Letters, vol.40, pp.4971-4974, 2015.

Optical amplification at 1064 nm in Nd(TTA)(3)(TPPO)(2) complex doped SU-8 polymer waveguide

D. Zhang, K.J. Che, etc.
IEEE Photonics J., vol.7, pp.1400607, 2015.

Controlling spontaneous emission by real-time shaping the vacuum field in nano-photonic structures

C.Y. Jin, R. Johne, M.Y. Swinkels, R. Schutjens, T.B. Hoang, L. Midolo, P.J. van Veldhoven, A. Fiore
SPIE Newsroom, no. 5792, 2015.

Control of the electromagnetic environment of a quantum emitter by shaping the vacuum field in a coupled-cavity system

R. Johne, R. Schutjens, S. Fattahpoor, C. Y. Jin, A. Fiore
Phys. Rev. A vol. 91, pp. 063807, 2015.

Förster energy transfer of dark excitons enhanced by a magnetic field in an ensemble of CdTe colloidal nanocrystals

F. Liu, A. Rodina, V. Yakovlev, D. R, A. A. Golovatenko, A. Greilich, E.D. Vakhtin, M. Bayer
Physical Review B, 92, 125403, 2015.

Recombination Dynamics of Band Edge Excitons in Quasi-Two- Dimensional CdSe Nanoplatelets

L. Biadala, F. Liu, M. D. Tessier, D. R. Yakovlev, B. Dubertret, M. Bayer
Nano Letters, 14, 1134, 2014.

Exciton spin dynamics of colloidal CdTe nanocrystals in magnetic fields

F. Liu, A. V Rodina, D. R. Yakovlev, A. Greilich, A. A. Golovatenko, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach, Y. G. Kusrayev, and M. Bayer
Phys. Rev. B, 89, 115306, 2014.

Single-Dot Spectroscopy of Zinc-Blende CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals: Nonblinking and Correlation with Ensemble Measurements

H.Y. Qin, Y. Niu, R.Y. Meng, X. Lin, R.C. Lai, W. Fang, X.G. Peng
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 136, issue 1, pp. 179-187, 2014.

Single Nanowire Optical Correlator

H.K. Yu, W. Fang, X.Q. Wu, X. Lin, L.M. Tong, W.T. Liu, A.M. Wang, Y.R. Shen
Nano Letters, vol. 14, issue 6, pp. 3487-3490, 2014.