
All-optical flip-flop based on hybrid square-rectangular bistable lasers

X.W. Ma, Y.Z. Huang, Y.D. Yang, H.Z. Weng, F.L. Wang, M. Tang, J.L. Xiao, Y. Du
Optics letters, vol. 42, issue 12, pp. 2291-2294, 2017.

Mode and lasing characteristics for hybrid square-rectangular lasers

X.W. Ma, Y.Z. Huang, Y.D. Yang, H.Z. Weng, J.L. Xiao, M. Tang, Y. Du
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 23, issue. 6, pp. 1-9, 2017.

Optimised THz photoconductive devices based on low-temperature grown III-V compound semiconductors incorporating distributed Bragg reflectors

Y.K. Wang, I. Kostakis, D. Saeedkia, M. Missous
IET Optoelectronics, vol. 11, issue. 2, pp. 53-57, 2017.

The synthesis and characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films from melt reactions using xanthate precursors

M. Shakban, P. Matthews, N. Savjani, X. Zhong, Y.K. Wang, M. Missous, Paul O’Brien
Journal of Materials Science, vol. 52, issue. 21, pp. 12761-12771, 2017.

Asymmetric Spacer Layer Tunnel Diode (ASPAT), Quantum Structure Design Linked to Current-Voltage Characteristics: A Physical Simulation Study

K. Ariffin, M. Abdullah, Y.K. Wang, S. Muttlak, O. Abdulwahid, J. Sexton, M. Missous
Proceeding of Millimeter Waves and THz Technology Workshop (UCMMT), Liverpool University, 2017, IEEE proceedings

Study of phase separation in an InGaN alloy by electron energy loss spectroscopy in an aberration corrected monochromated scanning transmission electron microscope

T. Walther, X.Y. Wang, V.C. Angadi, P. Ruterana, P. Longo, T. Aoki
Journal of Materials Research, vol. 32, issue. 5, pp. 983-995, 2017.

Monolithically Integrated Electrically Pumped Continuous-Wave III-V Quantum Dot Light Sources on Silicon

M. Liao, S. Chen, S. Huo, J. Wu, M. Tang, K. Kennedy, W. Li, M. Martin, T. Baron, C.Y. Jin, I. Ross, A. Seeds, H. Liu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 23, pp. 1900910, 2017.

Hybrid single-mode laser based on graphene Bragg gratings on silicon

Z. Ren, Q. Kan, G. Ran, C.Y. Jin, L. Yuan, X. Wang, L. Tao, H. Yu, L. Zhang, W. Chen, K. He, R.-M. Ma, J. Pan, W. Wang
Optics Letters, Vol. 42, pp. 2134, 2017.

A parity-time symmetry single-mode laser based on graphene

Z. Ren, X. Wang, K. He, C.Y. Jin, Q. Kan
Journal of Modern Optics, vol. 64, pp. 2133, 2017.

Localized high-Q modes in conical microcavities

X. Lin, W. Fang
Optics Communications, vol. 381, pp. 169-173, 2016.

Publisher's Note: Control of the electromagnetic environment of a quantum emitter by shaping the vacuum field in a coupled-cavity system

R. Johne, R. Schutjens, S. Fattahpoor, C.Y. Jin, and A. Fiore
Physical Review A, vol. 94, pp. 029902, 2016.

Graphene/h-BN/GaAs sandwich diode as solar cell and photodetector

X.Q. Li, S.S. Lin, X. Lin, Z.J. Xu, P. Wang, S.J. Zhang, H.K. Zhong, W.L. Xu, Z.Q. Wu, W. Fang
Optics Express, vol. 24, issue 1, pp. 134-145, 2016.

Ultrafast depopulation of a quantum dot by LA-phonon-assisted stimulated emission

F. Liu, * L. M. P. Martins, A. J. Brash, A. M. Barth, J. H. Quilter, V. M. Axt, M. S. Skolnick, and A. M. Fox
Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication), 93, 161407, 2016.