Whispering-gallery microcavity semiconductor lasers suitable for photonic integrated circuits and optical interconnects
Y.Z. Huang, Y.D. Yang, S.J. Wang, J.L. Xiao, K.J. Che, Y. Du
Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, vol.52, pp.3447-3453, 2009.
Equilateral-Triangle and Square Resonator Semiconductor Microlasers
Y.D. Yang, Y.Z. Huang, K.J. Che, S.J. Wang, Y.H. Hu, Y. Du
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.15, issue. 3, pp.879-884, 2009.
Simple theoretical model for the temperature stability of InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dot lasers with different p-type modulation doping levels
C.Y. Jin, H.Y. Liu, Q. Jiang, M. Hopkinson, O. Wada
Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 93, pp. 161103(1-3), 2008.
Low-threshold 1.3 μm GaInNAs quantum well lasers using quaternary barriers
C.Y. Jin, H.Y. Liu, S.Y. Zhang, M. Hopkinson
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. vol. 20, pp. 942-944, 2008.
1.55 μm InAs quantum dots grown on a GaAs substrate using a GaAsSb metamorphic buffer layer
H.Y. Liu, Y. Qiu, C.Y. Jin, T. Walther, A.G. Cullis
Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 92, pp. 111906(1-3), 2008.
Comparing InGaAs and GaAsSb metamorphic buffer layers on GaAs substrates for InAs quantum dots emitting at 1.55 μm
Y. Qiu, T. Walther, H.Y. Liu, C.Y. Jin, M. Hopkinson, A.G. Cullis
Microscopy Semi. Mat. vol. 120, pp. 263-268, 2007.
Effect of facet angle on effective facet reflectivity and operating characteristics of quantum dot edge emitting lasers and superluminescent light-emitting diodes
Z.Y. Zhang, I.J. Luxmoore, C.Y. Jin, H.Y. Liu, Q. Jiang, K.M. Groom, D.T. Childs, M. Hopkinson, A.G. Cullis, R.A. Hogg
Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 91, pp. 081112(1-3), 2007.
Directional emission InP/GaInAsP square-resonator microlasers
Y.Z. Huang, K.J. Che, Y.D. Yang, S.J. Wang
Optics Letters, vol.33, pp.2170-2172, 2008.
Effects of photon and thermal coupling mechanisms on the characteristics of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers
C.Y. Jin, H.Y. Liu, K.M. Groom, Q. Jiang, M. Hopkinson, T.J. Badcock, R.J. Royce, D.J. Mowbray
Phys. Rev. B vol. 76, pp. 085315(1-12), 2007.
Optical transitions in type-II InAs/GaAs quantum dots covered by a GaAsSb strain-reducing layer
C.Y. Jin, H.Y. Liu, S.Y. Zhang, Q. Jiang, S.L. Liew, M. Hopkinson, T.J. Badcock, E. Nabavi, D.J. Mowbray
Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 91, pp. 021102(1-3), 2007.
Reduced temperature sensitivity of the lasing wavelength in near-1.3-μm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot laser with a stepped composition strain-reducing layer
H.Y. Liu, T.J. Badcock, C.Y. Jin, E. Nabavi, K.M. Groom, M. Hopkinson, D.J. Mowbray
Electron. Lett. vol. 43, pp. 670-672, 2007.
Observation and modeling of a room-temperature negative characteristic temperature 1.3 μm p-type modulation doped quantum dot laser
C.Y. Jin, T.J. Badcock, H.Y. Liu, K.M. Groom, R.J. Royce, D.J. Mowbray, M. Hopkinson
IEEE J. Quantum Electron. vol. 42, pp. 1259-1265, 2006.
1.3 µm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot laser with low-threshold current density and negative characteristic temperature above room temperature
T.J. Badcock, H.Y. Liu, K.M. Groom, C.Y. Jin, M. Gutiérrez, M. Hopkinson, D.J. Mowbray, M.S. Skolnick
Electron. Lett. vol. 42, pp. 922-923, 2006.
High-performance 1.3-μm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers with low threshold current and negative characteristic temperature
H.Y. Liu, T.J. Badcock, K.M. Groom, M. Hopkinson, M. Gutierrez, D.T. Childs, C.Y. Jin, R.A. Hogg, I.R. Sellers, D.J. Mowbray, M.S. Skolnick, R. Beanland, D.J. Robbins
Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 6184, p. 18417, 2006.
Dilute nitride-based 1.3-μm high performance lasers
P. Navaretti, C.Y. Jin, H.Y. Liu, R. Airey, M. Hopkinson
Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 6184, p. D1840, 2006.