
UV-curable adhesive microsphere whispering gallery mode resonators

G.Q. Gu, L.J. Chen, H.Y. Fu, K.J. Che, Z.P. Cai, H.Y. Xu
Chinese Optics Letters, vol.11, pp.101401, 2013.

Optical investigation of the natural electron doping in thin MoS2 films deposited on dielectric substrates

D. Sercombe, S. Schwarz, O. Del Pozo-Zamudio, F. Liu, B. J. Robinson, E. A. Chekhovich, I. I. Tartakovskii, O. Kolosov, A. I. Tartakovskii
Scientific Reports, 3, 3489, 2013.

Coupling of InAs quantum dots to the plasmon resonance of In nanoparticles by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy

J. Yuan, C.Y. Jin, M. Skacel, A. Urbańczyk, T. Xia, P.J. van Veldhoven, R. Nötzel
Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 102, pp. 191111(1-4), 2013.
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Inquiry about all fiber-optic electronic current transformer technology

Z.P. Wang, Y.K. Wang, S. Sun
Optics and Optoelectronic Technology, vol. 10, issue. 2, pp. 15-20, 2012.

The effect of modulation error on all optical fiber current transformers

Z.P. Wang, Y.K. Wang, S. Sun
Journal of Sensor Technology, vol. 2, issue. 4, pp. 172-176, 2012.

Jones calculus for normally reflected elliptically polarized light

Z.P. Wang, Y.K. Wang, S. Sun
Optics and Optoelectronic Technology, vol. 10, issue. 1, pp. 40-43, 2012.

Thermo-switchable multi-wavelength laser emission from a dye-doped nematic liquid-crystal device

L.J. Chen, Z. Liu, K.J. Che, Y.K. Bu, S.S. Li, Q. Zhou, H.Y. Xu, Z.P. Cai
Thin Solid Films, vol. 520, pp.2971-2975, 2012.

All-optical control of the spontaneous emission of quantum dots using coupled-cavity quantum electrodynamics

C.Y. Jin, M.Y. Swinkels, R. Johne, T.B. Hoang, L. Midolo, P.J. van Veldhoven, A. Fiore
Preprint at:, 2012.

Spin dephasing of fluorine-bound electrons in ZnSe

A. Greilich, A. Pawlis, F. Liu, O. A. Yugov, D. R. Yakovlev, K. Lischka, Y. Yamamoto, M. Bayer
Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 85, 121303 (Editor’s suggestion), 2012.

Progress in optical metamaterials research and analysis of its developing trend

Z.P. Wang, Y.K. Wang
Optics and Optoelectronic Technology, vol. 9, issue. 4, pp. 10-15, 2011.

Metallically confined microdisks with in-plane guided emissions

K.J. Che, Y.Z. Huang, L.J. Chen, Z.P. Cai, H.Y. Xu
Optics Express, vol.19, pp.18116-18121, 2011.

Port-output of metallo-dielectric confined circular microlasers

K.J. Che, Y.Z. Huang, H.Y. Xu, Z.P. Cai
Optics Letters, vol. 36, pp.1374-1376, 2011.

Multiple-Port InP/InGaAsP Square-Resonator Microlasers

K.J. Che, Q.F. Yao, Y.Z. Huang, Z.P. Cai, Y.D. Yang, Y. Du
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.17, issue. 6, pp.1656-1661, 2011.

Controlling polarization anisotropy of site-controlled InAs/InP (100) quantum dots

J. Yuan, H. Wang, P.J. van Veldhoven, J. Wang, T. de Vries, B. Smalbrugge, C.Y. Jin, P. Nouwens, E.J. Geluk, A.Yu. Silov, R. Nötzel
Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 98, pp. 201904(1-3), 2011.

Observation of phase shifts in vertical cavity quantum dot switches

C.Y. Jin, O. Kojima, T. Kita, O. Wada, M. Hopkinson
Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 98, pp. 231101(1-3), 2011.
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