Xiaoyi Wang

1. Qualification:

PhD(semiconductor material and device), University of Sheffield, 2018.

Msc(photonics), Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.

2. Research interests:

  • Method development for analytical transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy, including valence electron energy loss spectroscopy (VEELS), energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy (EDXS) and in-situ photoluminescence spectroscopy.
  • Characterization of surface and interface carrier transportation based on electron beam induced current (EBIC).
  • Characterization of III-nitrides compound semiconductor nanostructure, such as InGaN or AlGaN multiple quantum wells and nanowire.
  • High energy electron beam damage on III-nitride semiconductors.
Directional charge transportation and Rayleigh scattering for the optimal in-band quantum yield of a composite semiconductor nano-photocatalyst

X.Y. Wang, W.Y. Hu, Y.Q, Y.H, X.Q. Wang, M. Xu, J. Ma, F. Miao, X.D. Cui, C.Y. Jin, P. Ruterana
Catalysis Science & Technology

A bi-layer buffer system AlN/Al1−xInxN to enable the growth of high crystal quality Al0.36In0.64N thin films on Si (111)

W. Lu, X.Y. Wang, Y. Ma, S. Grasso, M. Xu
CrystEngComm, vol. 21, pp. 5211-5215, 2019.

Self-consistent absorption correction for quantifying very noisy X-ray maps: group III nitride nanowire as an example

X.Y. Wang, J. Bai, T. Walther
Journal of Microscopy, vol. 272, issue. 2, pp. 111-122, 2018.

Study of phase separation in an InGaN alloy by electron energy loss spectroscopy in an aberration corrected monochromated scanning transmission electron microscope

T. Walther, X.Y. Wang, V.C. Angadi, P. Ruterana, P. Longo, T. Aoki
Journal of Materials Research, vol. 32, issue. 5, pp. 983-995, 2017.

Investigation of phase separation in InGaN alloys by plasmon loss spectroscopy in a TEM

X.Y. Wang, M-P. Chauvat, P. Ruterana, T. Walther
MRS Advances, vol. 1, issue. 40, pp. 2749-2756, 2016.

Combination of electron energy-loss spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to determine indium concentration in InGaN thin film structures

X.Y. Wang, M-P Chauvat, P. Ruternana, T. Walther
Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 30, issue. 11, 114011, 2015.