Research interest
My long-term goal is to establish a complete quantum computing and communication system that includes quantum computers, quantum computing languages and quantum network. My current research interests include semiconductor integrated quantum optical circuit, quantum processor and network based on gate-defined QD, color centers in diamond and 2D materials. Until 2023, I have published 22 papers including Nature Nanotechnology, Physical Review Letters and Nano Letters, and 1 German patent. Additionally, I was involved in writing a book chapter for Quantum Dots for Quantum information Technologies published by Springer.
Research experience
2019.07 up to now: Professor in the College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
2017.01 to 2019.06: Postdoc in the Quantum Technology Group, RWTH Aachen, Germany
2013.09 – 2016.12: Research associate in the Low Dimensional Structures and Devices group, the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Education background
2009 – 2013: Ph.D. in Experimentelle Physik II, Physics Department, Technische University Dortmund, Germany
2008 – 2009: Master of Science in Nanoelectronics and Mechanics, University of Sheffield, UK
2004 – 2008: Bachelor of Engineering in Applied Physics, Yantai University, China
- 2009, Marie Skłodowska-Curie scholarship, supported by European Commission
Ultrafast manipulation of excitons and spins in quantum dots
A. J. Brash, F. Liu, A. M. Fox
Invited chapter in: “Quantum Dots for Quantum Information Technologies” ed. by P. Michler. NanoScience and Technology. Springer,2017.