Lingfang Wang’s paper “Mode selection in InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well photonic crystal lasers based on coupled double-heterostructure cavities” was published in Optics Express ( Vol. 30, Issue 7, pp. 10229-10238 (2022) ).
Photonic crystal lasers with a high-Q factor and small mode volume are ideal light sources for on-chip nano-photonic integration. Due to the submicron size of their active region, it is usually difficult to achieve high output power and single-mode lasing at the same time. In this work, we demonstrate well-selected single-mode lasing in a line-defect photonic crystal cavity by coupling it to the high-Q modes of a short double-heterostructure photonic crystal cavity. One of the FP-like modes of the line-defect cavity can be selected to lase by thermo-optically tuning the high-Q mode of the short cavity into resonance. Six FP-like modes are successively tuned into lasing with side mode suppression ratios all exceeding 15 dB. Furthermore, we show a continuous wavelength tunability of about 10 nm from all the selected modes.
Link: https://opg.optica.org/oe/fulltext.cfm?uri=oe-30-7-10229&id=470324