Paper was published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

In Jan 2021, Henry Francis published a research paper entitled “Optical Frequency Comb Generation via Cascaded Intensity and Phase Photonic Crystal Modulators” in IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics(Vol.27, Issue.2, March-April 2021) In this paper, we propose OFC generation based on all-optical modulation of photonic crystal nano-structures. The proposed system offers OFC generation with tunable comb line spacing using devices with high density integration capabilities. Congratulations! Link:
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Paper was published in Review of Scientific Instruments

Lin Xing’s paper “Observation of photon antibunching with only one standard single-photon detector” was published in Review of Scientific Instruments(Vol.92, Issue.1, 013105 (2021)) The second-order photon correlation function g(2)(τ) is of great importance in quantum optics. It was usually believed that two single-photon detectors should be used to acquire g(2)(τ). Here, we demonstrate a new method to measure and extract g(2)(τ) with a standard single-photon avalanche photodiode (dead-time = 22 ns) and a single-channel time acquisition module. This is realized by shifting the coincidence counts of interest to a time window not affected by the dead-time and after-pulse of the detection system using a fiber-based delay line. The new scheme is verified by measuring g(2)(τ) from a single colloidal nanocrystal. Link:
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CW tunable Ti: Sapphire laser (SolsTiS) installed

A CW tunable Ti:Sapphire laser (SolsTiS) has been installed in our lab today. The wavelength can be scanned from 700 nm to 1000 nm automatically without mode hopping. This laser is another powerful tool for investigating the quantum dot based single photon source.
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【Seminar】Quantum Nanophotonics

Optoelectronics & Photonics Symposium 2020

Optoelectronics & Photonics Symposium 2020 was host by the Xiamen University and the Huaqiao University in Xiamen and Quanzhou. Researchers and people from related aspect from Xiamen University, institute of Semiconductors CAS, Zhejiang University and other nine participanting units to present their recent results and to exchange their views. In detail, they focused on mode control of semiconductor microcavity laser, generation of laser chaos, as well as the research of characteristic and application of 2D material. At the leisure time, we viewed beautiful sight of Kulangsu and Xiamen University in Xiamen. Besides, we visited NanAn Park of CHINA SILICOR, and experienced the feature of The southern Fujian culture at the Luoyang Bright and Kaiyuan Temple. Participating Units
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attoDry 1000 in the lab

In November 2020, the newly purchased attoDry1000(T=3.7 K,B = 9 T) cryostat in the laboratory was installed. The new equipment has excellent performance of liquid helium closed loop, ultra-low vibration, and ultra-high temperature stability.
【Seminar】On-demand single photon source based on quantum dot grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Paper was published in Optics Express

Yunran Wang’s paper “Direct patterning of periodic semiconductor nanostructures using single-pulse nanosecond laser interference” was published in Optics Express(Vol. 28, pp. 32529-32539 (2020)) We demonstrate an effective method for fabricating large area periodic two-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures by means of single-pulse laser interference. Utilizing a pulsed nanosecond laser with a wavelength of 355 nm, precisely ordered square arrays of nanoholes with a periodicity of 300 nm were successfully obtained on UV photoresist and also directly via a resist-free process onto semiconductor wafers. We show improved uniformity using a beam-shaping system consisting of cylindrical lenses with which we can demonstrate highly regular arrays over hundreds of square micrometres. We propose that our novel observation of direct pattern transfer to GaAs is due to local congruent evaporation and subsequent droplet etching of the surface. Link:
Course construction won the first prize in the 2020 young teachers’ teaching skills competition in ISEE

On October 29th, 2020, the 2020 young teachers’ teaching skills competition and the report on the curriculum system reform of Professor Huang Yidong of Tsinghua University were successfully held in conference rooms 108-111 of the administration building of Yuquan campus. Prof. Chaoyuan Jin from Ultrafast Photonics Laboratory reported the course construction on quantum information foundation and was awarded the first prize. The course is developed from the previous course Fundamentals of quantum and statistics, and was taught by Prof. Chaoyuan Jin in Spring & Summer semester in 2020 and assisted by Wang Lingfang and Cheng Xiaotianand. Course Link: